NFT 3rd Place: Kraftly by Team Kraftly

NFT 3rd Place

NFT 3rd Place: Kraftly by Team Kraftly 5 is created and run by parent 15. Solidity Gods is a team of induvial people with a love for Solidity and basic blockchain tech. The team aims to bring forward multiple awesome products and services revolving around blockchain in general and use their skills and experience to solve 1 small problem at a time and introduce solutions. 5 is built using React.js and utilizes a web3.js-like plugin called TRONWeb.js hence users can attempt to sign up with both personal computers and mobile devices like cellphones or tablets as long as they have access to a TRON wallet basically any device works!!

The marketplace was built on TRON blockchain to provide a solution for users not used to paying high gas fees on Ethereum.