DeFi 5th Place: Centiiv by Centiiv

DeFi 5th Place

DeFi 5th Place: Centiiv by Centiiv

Centiiv is a project with the lofty aim of connecting Africa to the rest of the world through blockchain.

In order to achieve this aim, Centiiv has developed a utility token to power an ecosystem of technologically driven solutions in different sectors of Africa’s economy. The use cases of Centiiv are built to satisfy the everyday life of Africans. The actualisation of Centiiv roadmap will help solve major problems facing Africa around commerce, transportation and logistics, financial technology (Fintech) and Technological incubation. Sectors such as eCommerce, fintech, entertainment, mobility/logistics and so on are areas in which people interact with on daily basis which is why Centiiv’s ecosystem is being built around them as we believe that with the integration of the blockchain technology, Africans will get to access opportunities in various ways.
The Centiiv ($CNT) token is the unique currency which will be powering the activities within the ecosystem both directly and indirectly. Centiiv is a multi-chain project which is being built on different Blockchain networks including Tron, BSC, Celo, and Polygon.